GraphQL 学习
一种用于 API 的查询语言
1.写一个 server.js 文件
const express = require('express');const graphqlHTTP = require('express-graphql');const {buildSchema} = require('graphql');const schema = buildSchema(` type Query { hello: String }`);const root = {hello: () => 'Hello world!'};const app = express();app.use('/graphql', graphqlHTTP({ schema: schema, rootValue: root, graphiql: true,}));app.listen(4000, () => console.log('Now browse to localhost:4000/graphql'));
使用命令1. 使用 npm init -y 初始化一个 package.json 文件2. 安装所需插件 npm install express express-graphql graphql -S
遇上错误如上:项目名称不能使用 grapql,修改成 my-graphql
命令: node server.js
相关命令: lsof -i :4000 kill -9 端口号(上图为,47806)
如上所示,启动成功。访问地址: localhost:4000/graphql
定义一个 学生类型 student
const express = require('express');const graphqlHTTP = require('express-graphql');const {buildSchema} = require('graphql');const schema = buildSchema(` type Student{ name:String age:Int } type Query { hello: String name:String student:Student }`);const root = { hello: () => 'Hello world!', name:()=>{ return 'zhangbf' }, student:()=>{ return { name:'张三丰', age:18 } }};const app = express();app.use('/graphql', graphqlHTTP({ schema: schema, rootValue: root, graphiql: true,}));app.listen(4000, () => console.log('Now browse to localhost:4000/graphql'));
4. 定义参数类型
新建一个 baseType.js文件
const express = require('express');const graphqlHTTP = require('express-graphql');const {buildSchema} = require('graphql');const schema = buildSchema(` type Query { getClassMates(classNo:Int):[String] }`);const root = { getClassMates({classNo}) { const obj = { 301: ['张三丰', '张翠山', '殷素素'], 61: ['张大三', '李大四', '王大五'], }; return obj[classNo]; }};const app = express();app.use('/graphql', graphqlHTTP({ schema: schema, rootValue: root, graphiql: true,}));app.listen(4000, () => console.log('Now browse to localhost:4000/graphql'));
运行该文件 node baseType.js在浏览器查看结果,如下
const express = require('express');const graphqlHTTP = require('express-graphql');const {buildSchema} = require('graphql');const schema = buildSchema(` type Student{ name:String sex:String age:Int grade(number:Int):String } type Query { getClassMates(classNo:Int):[String] student(username:String):Student }`);const root = { getClassMates({classNo}) { const obj = { 301: ['张三丰', '张翠山', '殷素素'], 601: ['张无忌', '赵敏', '周芷若'], }; return obj[classNo]; }, student({username}){ const name=username; const sex="男"; const age=20; const grade=({number})=>{ if(number>60){ return "及格了" }else{ return "垃圾" } }; return { name, sex, age, grade } }};const app = express();app.use('/graphql', graphqlHTTP({ schema: schema, rootValue: root, graphiql: true,}));app.listen(4000, () => console.log('Now browse to localhost:4000/graphql'));
1.1 允许静态资源访问目录
1.2 在 public 目录下添加 index.html 文件
graphql 客户端访问接口
1.3 重新启动
node baseType.js
1.4 查看访问结果
2. 在客户端修改数据
创建一个文件,用于测试 插入数据、更新数据。
2.1 新建一个 mutation.js 文件
创建一个 mutation.js 文件
const express = require('express');const graphqlHTTP = require('express-graphql');const {buildSchema} = require('graphql');const schema = buildSchema(` input StudentInput{ name:String age:Int sex:String grade:Int } type Student{ name:String age:Int sex:String grade:Int } type Mutation{ createStudent(input:StudentInput):Student updateStudent(id:ID!,input:StudentInput):Student } type Query{ student:[Student] }`);const fakeDb = {};//数据库对象const root = { student() { const arr = []; for (const index in fakeDb) { arr.push(fakeDb[index]); } return arr; }, createStudent({input}) { //类似保存到数据库 fakeDb[] = input; //返回保存结果 return fakeDb[]; }, updateStudent({id, input}) { //保存在一个对象里面 const updateStudent = Object.assign({}, fakeDb[id], input); fakeDb[id] = updateStudent; //返回对象 return updateStudent; }};const app = express();app.use('/graphql', graphqlHTTP({ schema: schema, rootValue: root, graphiql: true,}));app.listen(4000, () => console.log('Now browse to localhost:4000/graphql'));
2.2 执行查看结果
node mutation.js
2.3 认证中间件
创建一个 middleware.js 文件,用于测试
const express = require('express');const graphqlHTTP = require('express-graphql');const {buildSchema} = require('graphql');const schema = buildSchema(` input StudentInput{ name:String age:Int sex:String grade:Int } type Student{ name:String age:Int sex:String grade:Int } type Mutation{ createStudent(input:StudentInput):Student updateStudent(id:ID!,input:StudentInput):Student } type Query{ student:[Student] }`);const fakeDb = {};//数据库对象const root = { student() { const arr = []; for (const index in fakeDb) { arr.push(fakeDb[index]); } return arr; }, createStudent({input}) { //类似保存到数据库 fakeDb[] = input; //返回保存结果 return fakeDb[]; }, updateStudent({id, input}) { //保存在一个对象里面 const updateStudent = Object.assign({}, fakeDb[id], input); fakeDb[id] = updateStudent; //返回对象 return updateStudent; }};const app = express();const middleware = (req, res, next) => { if (req.url.indexOf('/graphql') !== -1 && req.headers.cookie.indexOf('auth') === -1) { res.send(JSON.stringify({ error: '您没有权限访问该接口' })); return false; } //放行 next();};//注册中间件app.use(middleware);app.use('/graphql', graphqlHTTP({ schema: schema, rootValue: root, graphiql: true,}));app.listen(4000, () => console.log('Now browse to localhost:4000/graphql'));
添加 auth值
3. 使用ConstructingTypes 类型
为了便于维护,使用 ConstructingTypes 类型
1.创建 constructingTypes.js 测试文件
const express = require('express');const graphqlHTTP = require('express-graphql');const graphql = require('graphql');var StudentType = new graphql.GraphQLObjectType({ name: "Student", fields: { name: {type: graphql.GraphQLString}, age: {type: graphql.GraphQLInt}, sex: {type: graphql.GraphQLString}, grade: {type: graphql.GraphQLInt}, }});var queryType = new graphql.GraphQLObjectType({ name: 'Query', fields: { student: { type: StudentType, args: { username: {type: graphql.GraphQLString} }, resolve: function (_, {username}) { const name = username; const sex = '男'; const age = 18; const grade = 20; return { name, sex, age, grade } } } }});var schema = new graphql.GraphQLSchema({query: queryType});const app = express();app.use('/graphql', graphqlHTTP({ schema: schema, rootValue: root, graphiql: true,}));app.listen(4000, () => console.log('Now browse to localhost:4000/graphql'));
1.创建测试数据库 test
在 test数据库下面 创建 student 表
在 网站找 mysql安装 npm install mysql2 -S
3. 创建 database.js 测试文件
const express = require('express');const graphqlHTTP = require('express-graphql');const {buildSchema} = require('graphql');const mysql = require('mysql2');// mysql//连接数据库const connection = mysql.createConnection({ host: 'localhost', //数据库访问地址 user: 'root', //数据库用户 password: 'root', //数据库访问密码 database: 'test' //数据库});const schema = buildSchema(` input StudentInput{ name:String age:Int sex:String grade:Int } type Student{ name:String age:Int sex:String grade:Int } type Mutation{ createStudent(input:StudentInput):Student deletedStudent(id:ID!):Boolean updateStudent(id:ID!,input:StudentInput):Student } type Query{ student:[Student] }`);const root = { student() { //查询操作 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { connection.query('select name,sex,age,grade from student', (err, results) => { if (err) { console.log(results); console.log('出错了:' + err); return false; } const arr = []; for (let i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { arr.push({ name: results[i].name, sex: results[i].sex, age: results[i].age, grade: results[i].grade, }) } resolve(arr); }) }); }, createStudent({input}) { //保存到数据库 const data = { name:, age: input.age, sex:, grade: input.grade, }; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { connection.query('insert into student set ?', data, (err,results) => { if (err) { console.log(results); console.log('出错了:' + err.message); return false; } resolve(data); }); }); }, updateStudent({id, input}) { //更新操作 const data = input; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { connection.query('update student set ? where name=?', [data, id], (err,results) => { if (err) { console.log(results); console.log('出错了:' + err.message); return false; } resolve(data); }); }); }, deletedStudent({id}) { //删除操作 return new Promise((resolve,reject)=>{ connection.query('delete from student where name=?',[id],(err,results)=>{ if (err) { console.log(results); console.log('出错了:' + err.message); reject(false); return false; } resolve(true); }) }); }};const app = express();app.use('/graphql', graphqlHTTP({ schema: schema, rootValue: root, graphiql: true,}));app.listen(4000, () => console.log('Now browse to localhost:4000/graphql'));
启动 node database.js